Merry Christmas Samantha. This is the season of giving, of receiving, of sharing and of reflecting. I have been reflecting on everything that has happened in 2007 and it has been a year of intense emotion. An intensity of emotion that I have not felt for a long time, if ever. I can not even begin to imagine your emotional intensity, but I know you realize the emotional intensity and the LOVE your presence has brought into my Family's life. Whenever I look at Matt, Emily and Jessica, I see the positive impact you made on them. Whether it was joking around with Matt up north or having Emily and Jessica sleep over so you could play dress-up, these will be the memories I cherish forever. I can not think of a better gift to reflect on than your love and compassion for others. For me Sam, you gave me the gift of NEVER taking anyone for granted. I regret not taking the time to get to know you better. The normal excuses just don't cut it anymore; "I don't have the time", "I'm too busy", "I will do it tomorrow". Your gift to me is to take the time to fully love everyone in my life and to really let them know how much they mean to me. I can assure you Sam that the spark you lit in me will NEVER go out. Love you always, Uncle Joe