PJSTUCKART 23rd November 2007

Samantha, It is hard for me to put into words all of the emotions I feel when I think of you. I can be riding in the car or working on a craft and I will think of you. It is amazing how many things make me think of you. I wish I would have had more one on one time with you. I am glad we had the Sunday at Gail's playing Skip-bo, just laughing and having fun. I enjoyed listening to you, Garot, Katherine, Liz and Dominic playing Mario in the livingroom. I took for granted that you would be in my life for ever. If I have learned anything from loosing you it is that life is short, so I will make a point to tell the people I love what they mean to me and how much I love them. I miss you every minute of every day. I love you and would give anything to hug you one more time. All my love, Auntie Pat