Eternally your Mom on 05/12/2008

My Dearest Sammy, Seeing as Mother's Day will never be the same for me again, I decided to start a new tradition. I wrote Jon a note on what it has mean't to me to be his mother, and now I will do the same for you. Even before you were concieved I knew that I wanted you. You see . . . I've always wanted you, Sam. More than life itself. In fact, I would have gladly given my life in exchange for your happiness. All the while you were growing up, if you hurt, I hurt. When you were sad, I was sad, and when you were happy or excited so was I. The love a mother feels for her children, runs so deep, it is unlike anything else in life. You were my pride and joy. However since you died, I have this unending depth of pain that is undescribable. And you know what. . . I would do ALL of it AGAIN and AGAIN!!! I'll NEVER regret having you and will always cherish those years, wishing I had many more years with you. I love and miss you so much Sammy. You and Jon have always been my life. Rest peacefully baby girl.